Thursday, November 27, 2008
Philadelphia Marriage Examiner: Holiday Hints: A Book of Thanksgiving for Lovers
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Return to Your First Love

This is awesome! Written by Greg Laurie
Do you remember when you first fell in love with your spouse? Remember how you wanted to make such a great impression?
You would wear your best clothes, put your best foot forward, and use your best manners. Wherever you went, people could see you holding hands and looking into one another's eyes. Then there were those little gifts you would give to each other throughout the week, just to let each other know how much you loved one another.
What brought you and your spouse together was your desire for companionship, for intimacy, for honesty. But when a husband and wife begin to take each other for granted, that marriage becomes endangered.
A marriage is strong because you make it that way. Romance is kept alive by a conscious effort on your part. Romance is not something that comes and goes. It is something that you keep alive as you take part in the necessary activities to keep your marriage strong and vibrant.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Donkey Attitude
The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.
Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.
He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.
A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.
As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal,
he would shake it off and take a step up.
Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge
of the well and happily trotted off!
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt.
The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up.
Each of our troubles is a steppingstone.
We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up!
Shake it off and take a step up.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Participate in Making Love
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Sunday, November 16, 2008
No Sex Tonight...Then When?
So, what stresses us out? It can be finances, anxiety, kids, work, and yes our husbands. What can us women do? Well, we need to recognize what is stressing us out and tackle the problem head-on. Worrying about a situation will not help the situation.
We should take extra steps to get in the mood because we know it doesn't take men no-time at all to get in the mood. Try communicating with your spouse about your needs and what you need him to do get things poppin' in the romance department. If, you think he may need help then, the two of you should check out our website for ideas.
If you would like to add anything or comment, please do.
Saving romance two at a time!
Thursday, November 13, 2008 be appreciated
I really do appreciate my wife of 11-years. I try to show how much I appreciate her each day that we are together. But, much unlike the hug or heartfelt kiss that I once spoke of that one can give and get right back… I do not feel it coming back to me…(sometimes) now don’t get me wrong…I don’t do things that I do so that I can feel that she should be compelled to do something in return, I have never been that way in my life. I am just the type that I notice certain things that either do or do not go on in my life with my wife. I pay attention to a lot of body language given off by my wife. I then can react to what I feel she could be in need of at that moment so that my wife can feel comfortable and at ease. My wife and I like most married couples have definitely gone through our more than fair share of ups and downs, peaks and valleys… however you want to refer to it we have been there in our marriage. I “know” deep down inside of me that my wife appreciates me…I do the majority of the cooking for the family, I deal with the kids at school as well as help with them around the house, I make sure that my wife is cared for and the list can go on and on. Now, I know that some if not a lot of you are reading and wondering, “well what does his wife do to show her appreciation to/for her husband?”… My wife has her own style… my wife cooks certain dishes that I have not yet learned to prepare (twice baked potatoes are bangin yall), she also helps with the kids in my absence (as in while I’m at work) helps with homework, laundry, and she also makes sure that I am cared for when I am here off from work. I just look for certain aspects to sometimes be different from time to time with and for us… and at some point in time I’m sure that they will.
Ladies, as you well know, we as men don’t always get it right the first time, but as men we always have the best of intentions at heart. As you also may know, a lot of us guys lack some of the skills that most women desire, (cooking, laundry, socializing, ect). Your vision as a woman of us men is that, we men are a moldable mound of clay that can and will be shaped into (or close to) the husband that you want in your life. Some of you ladies, find that special prize in the “Cracker Jack Box of life” and you do not have to do nothing more that get to know each other and then get married and be happy for life… thee end (yeah right). LOL…
Ladies, as I have spoken or reached out to the guys, I am doing the same to you all. I have expressed to the guys that we as men should express our appreciation to you our wives or wives-to-be… this is very much a 2-way street here, meaning that you as wives or wives-to-be should be expressing you appreciation to your husband or husband-to-be. Let’s take the fact that you as the woman tend to be a little more open or you can express yourself when it comes to your feelings that you are experiencing for or with us in a relationship/marriage better than most of us men, it has been that way through time. There are a few woman that tend to suffer from the same challenge as us men, and on the flip side of that, there are some men that tend to be open with the way that they feel and are able to express their feelings to the woman that he is with. But nonetheless there is a need in each and every relationship to express appreciation of each other.
Couples, both married and soon to be married, as I am closing out this entry I would just like to add by saying appreciating each other should be easy as breathing air, “you just do it” without thought…it’s natural. Guys, when communicating, let it be known what you like or dislike, what you want or miss that you don’t seem to be getting anymore, same goes for you Ladies, and both Guys & Ladies… a very important ingredient is to listen to each as you take the time out to “talk to” each other. That is a great form of appreciation.
And remember…
Love and take care of each other for life.
Tea anyone?
There are times when he gets on my nerves but he mostly is a genuinely kind person. His philosophy is to never leave the house without giving a kiss. This includes if we argue the night before. Who can stay mad at that!?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
He Can Say The Sweetest Things!
"Sending u this text to let u know that I luv u soooo. I long for ur touch. I dream of ur kiss each and every hour we r away its u & only u my wife that I miss."
Believe it or not, we have been together for 14 years and married for 11 years.
Need Romantic Vacation
Soon one day soon we will have more free time...if that's possible!
In the meantime, we came across some really cool stuff for our website. Soon as time permits I will add it. Then we will send a shout out.
Till next time..follow us on twitter
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Marriage and Our Economy
Just today I received a call from a close friend. She is feeling the pressures of our country's current economic situation, and it is affecting her marriage. Her husband tends to push the envelope when it come to finances. My advise to her was communication. I told her she should let her husband know that pushing the limit with finances is creating undue stress.
Husbands & wives please keep a lid on expenses. Be sure to openly communicate your thoughts and fears and above all listen to your spouse. Financial stress can cause a strong marriage to fall apart. Stress can take away the romance in a marriage because the focus becomes money or the lack thereof. As couples we should be focused on each others needs.
Now my girlfriend has a good husband. He successfully bring in money as well as she has a good paying career however, what good is it if close to every penney is spent on bills. Seems as if this couple needs Suze Orman. This is a dangerous situation to be in. My other advise was for her to seek a mortgage loan modification and perhaps pick up a second job to help pay down some debt.
From the outside many couples look as if they have it all or have it all together. But, one never knows what goes on behind close doors.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Any Men Out There....Dare To Do This!
Basically just have fun! It doesn't have to be perfect:)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Ever Had More To Do Than Time Allows?
We have spend a lot of time putting our website together as well as keeping our family together he is feeling a little neglected. This weekend maybe a good time for us to get away for a few hours. He loves to window shop so, maybe will do that.
I have started Twitter-ing. I must say...I LUV IT!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
5 Reasons Why Husbands Don't Go Out With Their Wives
#1 Can't go out because you have a new born baby.
Parents of newborn babies would rather get some sleep instead of going out on a date. I remember those bleary eyes months. In the baby's first year it is tough to go out without taking baby along.
#2 It is hard to find someone to baby sit the kids.
You don't feel comfortable leaving your young kids with a teenage baby sitter. I can't blame you. You want to keep your kids safe and it seems like teenagers these days have no moral guidance from their parents. It can be very unnerving.
#3 With the shaky economy money is tight, really tight.
You are just able to make ends meet, how can you afford to take your wife out to an expensive restaurant?
#4 Tired of doing the same old routine with your wife when you go out?
After a few years of marriage routines get established and habits form. It is tough to break out and try something new.
#5 It is hard for me to communicate my romantic feelings to my wife.
Men wonder why their wives don't understand them. "Trying to communicate about deep emotional feelings used to be so easy especially when we where dating, but now it is so much more difficult."
So, if keeping the romance alive in a marriage is important, how can it be made easier? I'm glad you asked … The Easiest Way To Keep The Romance Alive In Healthy Marriage Is To Spend Time With Your Wife DoingActivities You Both Enjoy Doing!